Don't Chase .... Attract!

Let me start by saying, it took me a few years to learn this very important part of building a successful business online. I made all the mistakes and have done everything described below. But, I continue to work on being better, stronger and growing every day. I hope you enjoy this post.
I have 3 words for you . . .
Attract - Attract - Attract
What exactly do I mean by "Attract"?
First let's look at what it means to "Chase"
A problem all Network/Online Marketers make when starting out in a new business is being able to throttle or control their excitement. I mean, you start out a new business, you just joined and you are SUPER excited and over joyed and ready to HIT THE GROUND RUNNING... Right? And what usually happens is you get some immediate interest from your Warn Market (which is great) and being over-excited you throw up all over this new prospect with how amazing your business opportunity is and how much it is going to change their life. Sound Familiar ?? Of course it does, we have all done it, countless times I'm sure. And then begins the chase . . . And this usually starts because the meeting or presentation was not done correctly, and there was no call to action or as I like to say, you did not "ask for the sale".
Or maybe you did and the prospect just wants to "think about it" or whatever the results of that meeting or presentation, there was no decision made. What then transpires is a number of text message, private messages, phones messages, the prospect is not answering their phone or returning or texts and you become more aggressive and they become more non-existent and quickly fade away. Most of the time, this is irreversible and you have lost this prospect for life and maybe even a friendship. You see once you show signs of "desperation" and the prospects feels more like a "sale" than a business partner, they are out! Gone! Consider them Lost forever! You have been successful in one thing . . . You chased them away! (for good most of the time)
I will be covering in a future blog the art of the "Follow-up" so stay tuned because this is important, very important.
So now on to what it means to Attract and how to become a successful Attraction Marketer.
The very basis for Attraction Marketing is the accent no longer falls on the product or service or even the company. You are not trying to get the prospect to trust the products, the services or even the company of which they most likely never heard of until they met you. Instead, you get them to trust you as someone who can help guide them to success, to growing a residual income and a lucrative business. You want them to see you as someone who can help them achieve their "why" and do it rather quickly. Let me insert here, many think Attraction Marketing just means to attract people to like you. That falls short of the ultimate definition or meaning of Attraction Marketing. Yes, the attraction starts with you but it must quickly move past you and be about how you can help the prospect be successful in the business. In fact, I might add here, that the biggest reason someone doesn't join you in business is because you have not done a good enough job in showing them they could be successful. Remember the breakdown of why people will join your business
60% because of you
30% the process they are going through. Will they be able to duplicate or do what you are doing (this is where many people fail as well because they try to become an expert and that scares people) We will get into this in my blog about "The Invite and The Presentation" 2 very different activities
10% the actual product, service or company
A few things to work on as you build a brand that attracts the right crowd and interested prospects
1. Keeping your social media profile on point
2. Creating a fan page and keeping it current with valuable content
3. Building and maintaining new relationship every day online and off
4. Video Marketing (we will also cover this in depth in a future blog)
In closing, continue to work on you. Everyday is a chance to learn, grow and become a better marketer and overall better businessman/woman. Always remember people join people!
Stop chasing, hold your posture and let the prospects come to you. You will be much more successful and grow a lucrative business online and off. Was this valuable for you? If yes, than I ask that you share it with someone who needs it :)
Need more coaching and guidance? You can book a free 3o min session with me. I would be happy to spend some time with you.