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The Money is in the List

Let us look at the importance of creating and maintaining a list. Are you in Network Marketing? Direct Selling? Have you created your "warm market" list? Perhaps you were told about how important having a list is for your success and perhaps you never created one. That's ok.... Because when I got started 4 years ago I too didn't create my list at first. I didn't see the value. I didn't think there was any reason to contact my "warm market" as I was sure none of them would want to join my business. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! Our "warm market" is not only a place to find business partners but also a place to find referrals. You see not everyone who is in your "warm market" will be interested in joining your business but everyone knows at least 2 people (most know more) who could benefit from alternative income or maybe even the products or services you provide.

It's 2016 and Network Marketing continues to grow and quickly becoming to go-to business model and with the economy struggling like it is and people not being able to support their family on a single income home, everyone is looking at Network Marketing as a viable solution. Why not start with the ones who TRUST you most and be able to show them a BETTER WAY!!

There are some strategies to working your "warm market" list and we can get into this in a coaching session which you can setup directly with me (your first 30 min session is free) simple book with me and let's connect

In the meantime, create that list and never stop adding names and contacts. One way to do this is through FORM Family Occupation Recreation Motivation This is one way to start conversations and learn and connect with new people everyday More to come on FORM in a future blog post

Consistently Growing Your List

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