Knowing the Personality Type of Your Potential Partner (prospect)
It took me some time to learn that Everyone is NOT like me!! Now that may be a surprise to you as it was to me (insert LOL) but it is true. People receive information and sort through that information in different ways. for instance...
Have you ever said the same thing to two people and received two totally different reactions? How can saying the same words produce such different results? Each person “heard” you differently based on his or her personality style! You said the same thing, but what they "heard" was different.
Different is not bad, it is just different!

Everyone is not like you!
The good news is that there is a simple key to understand how people behave and how they are motivated. We call the concept “The DISC Model of Human Behavior.” This concept will allow you to unlock the mystery behind developing good people skills and creating better relationships. You will be able to use what you learn in this introduction to reduce conflict, improve productivity and relate with others more effectively. This is one way to get better and see major growth in your business!!!
DISC is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different behavioral traits, which today are called: dominant, influential, steady, and conscientious.
What are the general characteristics of the D Personality Style?
The D Personality Style tends to be direct and decisive, sometimes described as dominant. They would prefer to lead than follow, and tend towards leadership and management positions. They tend to have high self-confidence and are risk takers and problem solvers, which enables others to look to them for decisions and direction. They tend to be self-starters.
What are the general characteristics of the I Personality Style?
The I Personality Style is not afraid to be the center of attention. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, talkative, persuasive, impulsive and emotional. This Personality Type will trust others naturally, truly enjoys being around others, and functions best when around people and working in teams.
What are the general characteristics of the S Personality Style?
The S Personality Type is known for being steady, stable, and predictable. They are even-tempered, friendly, sympathetic with others, and very generous with loved ones. The S is understanding and listens well. Preferring close, personal relationships, the S is very opened with loved ones, but can also be possessive at times and hold them close.
What are the general characteristics of the C DISC Styles?
The C DISC Styles are accurate, precise, detail-oriented, and conscientious. They think very analytically and systematically and make decisions carefully with plenty of research and information to back it up. The C has very high standards for both themselves and others. Because they focus on the details and see what many other styles do not, they tend to be good problem solvers and very creative people.
he DISC Model of Human Behavior is based on 2 foundational observations about how people normally behave:
Observation #1: Some people are more OUTGOING, while others are more RESERVED. You can think of this trait as each person's "internal motor" or “pace.” Some people always seem ready to "go" and "dive in" quickly. They engage their motor quickly. Others tend to engage their motor more slowly or more cautiously.
Observation # 2: Some people are more TASK-ORIENTED, while others are more PEOPLE-ORIENTED. You can think of this as each person's “external focus” or “priority” that guides them. Some people are focused on getting things done (tasks); others are more tuned-in to the people around them and their feelings.
With both observations, we want to emphasize that these behavioral tendencies are neither right or wrong or good or bad. They are just different. We are simply identifying normal behavior styles. People have different styles, and that is okay.
Everyone has some of all 4 of these tendencies at different times and in different situations. However, most people typically have 1 or 2 of these tendencies that seem to fit them well in their everyday behavior. And, on the other hand, 1 or 2 of these tendencies usually do not fit them well, and these tendencies may even seem "foreign" to their approach to life. The balance of these 4 tendencies shapes the way each person "sees" life and those around them.

The quicker you can determine the personality type of your prospect the sooner you will be able to be able to work with them, how to provide them details about your business, and how to bring them to a point of making a decision to join your business. Remember EVERYONE IS NOT LIKEYOU! Wondering what type you are? Click Here to take your FREE Personality test and Discover what DRIVES YOU!!!